Under Canada Family Class Program, Spouse Sponsorship is meant for those who want to offer sponsorship to their spouse or common law partner/conjugal partner and their dependent children.

Sandhu Immigration can help you in finding your eligibility as a sponsor and will provide assistance to you and your spouse and dependent children in sponsorship application and permanent residence application.

To get a visa through Canada Spouse Sponsorship program, both the sponsor and the sponsored person should be able to prove their relationship and must be under any of the three categories—

  • Spouse—Sponsor and sponsored person must be legally married and should have legal document to prove their claim. Common-law partner—Common-law partnership means both the parties must be living together for not less than one year excluding brief absence of family or business reasons.
  • Conjugal Partner—A conjugal partner is a foreign national living outside Canada who happens to be in a conjugal relationship with a sponsor for not less than one year but could not stay with the sponsor as a couple.